Celebrating Southside Tea Room’s Second Birthday with Patience Hodgson

The Morningside bar/cafe is celebrating two years of business, parties and Dirty Mayo.

James Frostick
Published on May 27, 2014

Since it opened its doors two years ago, the Southside Tea Room has become a Brisbane institution. Thanks to its warm, home-like appeal, kind staff and excellent taste in food, beverages and entertainment, Southside Tea Room has earned rave reviews and garnered a large customer base despite its small capacity and suburban location.

Started by two of Brisbane's most loved musicians, Patience Hodgson and John Patterson (both members of the immensely popular band The Grates), Southside Tea Room always had an element of cool but has managed to establish itself as a thriving business enterprise in its own right thanks to the dedication of its owners.

The bar/cafe/live venue/chill-out zone is celebrating two years in business and to celebrate, they are throwing a big party. We caught up with co-owner Patience to discuss the challenges and successes they have experienced during SSTR's infancy.

What inspired you guys to start Southside Tea Room?

US Dive Bars and the hospitality we experienced while touring between 2005 and 2010.

What sort of establishment did you want to create in the beginning? What style did you want to go for?

We had very little budget so the look of the place had to be very domestic. Everything came from our home and friends' homes, which worked well as we both love dive bars!

As far as the running of the shop went, we just wanted to let it grow. We started as a takeaway coffee bar with one table and a large curtain dividing the shop. We didn't know how it was going to work; we didn't have any of the answers. We were slaves to trial, error and budget. The soul of our shop was to let people leave happier than when they arrived. That was the mindset when we opened the doors with each morning.

What were some of the challenges you experienced in the early days?

Trying to learn everything about anything. Seriously, learning everything! How to do accounting, pricing, budgets, how to cope with your new responsibility etc. It takes a long time to learn how to absorb stress and relearn how to enjoy yourself at a friend's BBQ without thinking about work the entire time.

How long did it take for you to find your footing when it came to running a business like this?

There were a couple of false readings but roughly one and a half years. You know, houses are built on rock, businesses are built on sand, and the tide is always rising and falling around you, don't get too cocky.

Why did you choose to set up shop in Morningside, and not one of the more central entertainment hubs like the CBD, Valley, New Farm or West End?

We've always had a connection to Morningside. I studied graphic design at the TAFE there. In the early days we printed a lot of Grates stuff at the copy shop PRBM and we know and love the Barebones guys. Plus we were able to convince the property manager there to give us a go.

That was a big obstacle to overcome; lots of agents don't want to rent to lefty looking folk who want to open a bar! Being less developed too, the rent was far more digestible than the entertainment hubs. We also liked the room — besser brick walls, exposed beams and old concrete floors.

You've hit the two year mark, are you happy with what you've been able to accomplish in that time period?

Yes! It's incredible in retrospect. We did it, we're alive. We're not living at the shop anymore, we've got seven amazing staff members, we've got a dog, people come in at night now. When we think about it like that it makes our hearts near explode.

What do you think has been the main ingredient for your success?

Really awesome staff, people who love making customers feel welcome, who'll talk to anyone, who work hard. Behind the scenes, using common sense and being conservative about growth, and maybe our Dirty Mayo. People go crazy for it.

What do you see in the future for SSTR?

More beer taps, more food, more parties - just going forth in the journey.

What other places in Brisbane do you enjoy for eating, drinking, partying?

The Low Road, Popolo, Picnic, Pho Inn and Scratch Bar!

The Southside Tea Room is hosting its birthday celebrations on Friday, May 30. Check it out and take part in celebrating the success of one of Brisbane's best.

Published on May 27, 2014 by James Frostick
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