Food & Drink

‘Eat Like You Give a Fuck’ With the New Thug Kitchen Cookbook

All other cookbooks are now irrelevant.

By Meg Watson
September 28, 2014

Sorry Jamie and Nigella, every other cookbook is now irrelevant. Based on the actually genius blog that we've somehow only just discovered, Thug Kitchen gives you the full rundown on clean eating with a satisfyingly foul mouth. These are recipes for newbies to healthy living; people like us who need a proper kick in the arse to finish our plate of kale or quinoa.

Though the book itself doesn't hit our shelves until next month, the trailer has just been released. And wow, it is so many types of great.

Ringing a little too true for those of us scoffing our faces with two-minute noodles and artery-clogging burgers, this idea is crazy enough to actually work. Who knew profanity would pique our interest in healthy food so quickly? And here's the kicker: the food is actually pretty great. Their recipes online include Pina Colada ice cream, peach pancakes (presented in comic form) and dishes so tasty they threaten to completely "change the noodle game".

Putting an end to those "sugar shakes" and "meat sweats" you've become so familiar with, the Thug Kitchen cookbook will only be available in the UK, Canada and Australia next month. Because of course we'd be interested in something that swears this much. Remember What the Fuck Should I Make For Dinner? We basically lived off that.

Keep an eye on the Thug Kitchen Facebook page for a specific release date but until then, here are a few bits and pieces to get you in the right mindset. Time to get your shit together, Australia.