News Culture

Tulips Bloom in Springtime Holland

A bird's eye view of Holland's tulip fields, blooming into life just in time for the annual Tulip Time festival.
Amelia Walkley
May 06, 2011


No, it's not a crazy quilt stitched by a mad granny. These are bird's eye views of Holland's tulip fields, blooming into life just in time for the annual Tulip Time festival.

Throughout winter, tulip bulbs lie dormant in the freezing ground. When the first few blooms poke their coloured heads through the earth for a breath of sunshine, everyone knows that spring has very much sprung.

The festival runs from May 7-14 and celebrates Dutch heritage, culture and hundreds of varieties of the tulip. Over one billion tulips are exported internationally from Holland every year, so you can see what the fuss is all about. Plus these rainbow flower formations are pretty damn gorgeous to boot.

[Via Lost At E-Minor]