News Culture

Five Ways to Embrace Your Inner Nerd at Supanova 2014

Unleash some feels on King Joffrey or nerd out over sci-fi — there's no judgment here.
Tom Clift
November 21, 2014


Games of Thrones is the world’s most pirated TV show, The Avengers made more than $1.5 billion at the box office and even the President of the United States once collected Spider Man comics. In other words, it’s pretty cool to be a nerd these days. Just ask avid Dungeons and Dragons player Vin Diesel.

The ultimate celebration of everything geeky, the Supanova Pop Culture Expo hits the Brisbane Convention Centre from November 28-30. From cosplay comps to comic book signings and photo opportunities with sci-fi and fantasy icons, it’s a three-day mecca of uninhibited, unironic nerdiness that attracts thousands of eager pilgrims every year.

Of course such an event can seem overwhelming, especially to the uninitiated. So, whether you’ll be attending in your fully functioning Iron Man costume, or experiencing the convention for the very first time, here are our recommendations for getting the best out of Supanova 2014.

Shop around for the zombie apocalypse

A huge part of any convention experience is simply walking the floor and perusing the vendor booths. Browse through rare and classic comic books, hunt down elusive collectables, or arm yourself for the impending zombie apocalypse with custom designed swords and machetes. Just be sure to give the expo's weapons policy a read first. That’s right, there’s a weapons policy.

Show your competitive side

While it’s easy to stereotype con-goers as a mostly sedentary group of people, it turns out Supanova offers plenty of opportunity for rigorous physical exercise. Join an epic game of laser tag in a special inflatable arena, or get a crash-course in Harry Potter’s favourite pastime courtesy of the athletes at the Australian Quidditch Association. A pinball tournament probably doesn’t offer quite the same workout, admittedly, but an iPad to the winner is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

Unleash some feels on King Joffrey

Meet the men and women behind some of the biggest characters in geekdom. Faces on this year’s guest list include Game of Thrones' Jack Gleeson, Doctor Who companion Freema Agyeman, Whedonverse alum Ron Glass and Tom Lenk, plus authors, voice actors and comic book artists aplenty. Just be aware, when it comes to a lot of the bigger names, autographs and photos don’t always come free. For a full list of guests and their signing fees, go here.

Learn the creative side of things

Although we all know names like Gandalf and Dumbledore, the true wizards of science fiction and fantasy are the unsung visual effects artists. The Imagineer’s Playground will be present to give fans a close up look at the craft of costuming, special effects makeup, video game design and more. You can even get some 'how-to' tips and compete in the Supanova Fan Art Competition.

Come in character (if you've got the guts)

At the end of the day, it’s easy to separate the hardcore fans from the nerd-curious newbies by a quick glance at what they’re wearing. Anyone sporting Jedi robes, a Super Saiyan hair cut or any kind of jetpack has probably done this before. Whether you’re game enough to dress up yourself, there are sure to be plenty of elaborate costumes on display, with the very best on the catwalk for the Madman National Cosplay Championships.

For more information on the Brisbane Supanova Pop Culture Expo, visit Image credits: David ChauRuben Schade and Jessica Truscott via Creative Commons.