News Culture

King Joffrey Is in New Zealand Right Now and You Can Help Bring Him Down

Think of the satisfaction!

Meg Watson
April 03, 2014


Okay, so it's actually a statue of King Joffrey. But still! Think of the satisfaction! Everyone wants to see that smarmy little ferret face smashed into the ground and now you finally have the means with which to make it happen. Do it for Ned Stark! Do it for Sansa! Do it for that little kid in Batman Begins who had no idea of his evil destiny.

The marketing geniuses over at Sky (New Zealand's equivalent of Foxtel) have set up a statue of King Joffrey in the middle of Auckland's CBD and, using the power of social media (for realsies) you can help topple the unlawful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Each tweet including the hashtag #bringdowntheking will contribute to a rope around the statue's neck tightening — a slow but inevitable means with which to bring the statue down.

The public execution, which is estimated to take around five days, is available to watch via livestream here. Although, it may be a little dull until the final moments. The more entertaining things to keep an eye on at the moment are people's emotive tweets.

Something tells me these kind of fans really didn't need a marketing stunt to remind them to tune in to the season premiere on April 6.