Arts & Entertainment

Move, Learn, Eat: Take in Eleven Countries in Three Minutes

Three shorts films by independent filmmaker Rick Mereki remind of the joys of travel.

By Gemma O'Donoghue
August 08, 2011

For many of us, the prospect of sitting through reams of photos from our recently-returned-from-travelling friends can be a little scary. Unless you happen to be friends with independent film maker Rick Mereki, that is. Then it is something else entirely.

Mereki has created three short films taken from footage of a trip with two mates, covering 11 different countries and over 38 thousand miles in 44 days. Each film is only about a minute in duration and is based on a theme; in Move we follow as one of Mereki's friends walks through a series of stunning landscapes, in Learn we see the skills he attempts to acquire along the way  (soccer, pizza making, wine tasting, weaving, guitar) and in Eat we see a smorgasboard of international delights.

It's a simple idea, as the brilliant ones usually are. The themes are clear, the images strong and it is all held together by a lovely little soundtrack. Move, Learn, Eat are beautiful reminders of the joys of travelling, the fun of learning and the delight of food. They also remind you of the shortcomings of your own travel snaps.