News Culture

Win Tickets to See Killing Them Softly

Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta and Ben Mendelsohn show us just how complicated it is to be a crim in modern America.

Emma Joyce
October 02, 2012


New Zealand-born writer-director Andrew Dominik has amassed a stellar crime thriller line-up for his latest offering, Killing Them Softly, which opens in cinemas October 11.

Brad Pitt heads up the the film's brutal 'heist movie gone wrong' plot alongside the best of small and silver screen bad guys: Ray Liotta, James Gandolfini (aka Tony Soprano) and Ben Mendelsohn, to name just a few.

From the director who brought us Chopper and The Assassination of Jesse James, Killing Them Softly sees Pitt play Mafia hitman Jackie Cogan, who is called in to 'fix' the upset caused by a couple of amateurish criminals when they hold up an illegal card game.

In an America on the verge of political and economical crisis, the 'enforcer' navigates between his indecisive bosses and the lowlifes behind the heist in order to maintain the status quo of the criminal underworld and take back control.

Thanks to Hoyts Distribution, Concrete Playground has ten double passes to giveaway to see Killing Them Softly. To go in the running, just subscribe to Concrete Playground's weekly newsletter (if you haven't already) then email your name and postal address to