News Culture

Win Tickets to the Opening Night of the Human Rights Arts and Film Festival

Concrete Playground has five double passes to giveaway for the opening night, Australian Shorts.

Emma Joyce
May 21, 2012


The Australia-wide Human Rights Arts and Film Festival is the only cultural event devoted exclusively to exploring humanitarian issues through creative media. The not-for-profit event will be showing at the Tribal Cinema in Brisbane for four days in June, and Concrete Playground has five double passes to giveaway for the opening night event on June 5.

Showing an eclectic collection of films from across the country, the opening night is a celebration of Australian Shorts. Starting at 7pm, the films include an adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood, and the life and times of a much-loved transgender icon, Carmen Rupe, directed by Lucy Hayes.

It's also a chance to see those films that struggle to make it to the big screen, like The Chicken Hawk and the Crow — an animation in the Yanyuwa language with English subtitles — and Unity in Diversity — a documentary featuring immigrant children from the Springvale community, who open up about their life-changing move to Australia.

To get your hands on a pair of tickets, make sure you are subscribed to Concrete Playground, then email your name and postal address to