News Culture

Security Guard Injured by Gatecrashers at Listen Out Sydney

Police are asking for anyone with information to come forward.
Meg Watson
September 28, 2014


Well, this could have gone better. The first leg of Listen Out 2014 has been marred by an unfortunate incident that led to a security guard suffering serious injuries yesterday. Late in the afternoon, a group of gatecrashers jumped the fence at Sydney's Parklands and a 29-year-old security guard rushed to stop them. The intruders then trampled him and ran away.

Suffering internal bleeding and a ruptured spleen, the security guard received medical assistance at the venue before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital. He is currently in a stable condition, but police are asking anyone with information about the gatecrahsers to come forward.

In particular, they would like to speak to "a man in his late teens or early 20s, with a solid build, and short dark brown hair [who] was last seen wearing a grey t-shirt and red shorts". If you know anyone by that description who also happens to be kind of cheap and incredibly insensitive, time to dob them in.

Listen Out is in Perth today and has two more festival dates next weekend for Melbourne and Brisbane. Time to step up your game, people. Do the right thing, look after each other, and there won't be any problems. There are far too many dickheads out there ruining it for everyone.

If you have information about the incident call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page.