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    Theatres To Usher In Live Tweeting

    The last bastion of the phone-free two hours, the theatre, might be about to crumble.

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    Vivid Ideas 2012 Program Announced

    Vivid Ideas is the creative part of the extravaganza that is Vivid Sydney, and this year it's bigger than ever before.

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    Berndaut Smilde Conjures Clouds Indoors

    In a seemingly magical act, Smilde produces and photographs his indoor clouds to explore the concept of transition and physical presence in his latest collection.

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    Makoto Tojiki Brings the Intangible World of Holograms into Reality

    Utilising thousands of LED lights and optical fibres, the Japanese artist creates futuristic celestial-like sculptures.

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    New York’s Iconic Water Tanks To Become Public Art

    The Water Tank Project aims to raise awareness about water sustainability in a whimsical urban makeover.

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    Moss Poetry Appears in Sydney’s Paddington Reservoir Gardens

    The walls of Sydney's historic reservoir are currently playing host to obscurely profound pieces of moss poetry.

Latest Guides
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    Concrete Playground Meets Photographer Dean Sewell

    Dean recently sat down with Concrete Playground to talk about the Lonely Station, photography and the usefulness of good rope skills.

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    Every World Press Photo Winner From 1955 to 2011

    They say a picture tells a thousand words, and this old statement is strikingly appropriate for what's displayed here.

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    What Music Looks Like as an Object

    German artist Martin Klimas endeavours to answer the question: 'what does music look like?'

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    Stuart Ringholt’s Naked Art Tours Come to Sydney

    An art tour where all participants must turn up in the flesh, literally.

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    How Happy is Your City?

    A giant emoticon erected above this Bavarian city is set to measure the general mood of the people below.

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    Fireworks by Day

    A Chinese artist takes modern art to the sky with his daytime fireworks exhibition.

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    Please, Steal Our Banksy

    A Melbourne hotel issues an open invitation to steal their artwork straight off the walls.

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    Concrete Playground Talks to Artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

    Lozano-Hemmer is famous for art that lurks in public spaces, galleries and even beaches, amplifying passers-by into new creatures with a city-sized will.

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    The World’s First Functional Painting Typewriter

    To the delight of fetishists of redundant technology, an American artist has created a typewriter that paints.

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    Concrete Playground talks to Photographer David Stewart

    Concrete Playground recently caught up with one of England's most respected photographers. Here's what he had to say.

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    Ben Turnbull’s Real Life Superheroes

    This British artist's work serves as a bridge between collective fantasy and the harsh truths of the society we live in.

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    Concrete Playground’s Guide to Sydney Festival 2012

    The reinvigorated Sydney Festival has completely transformed our city in summer and it’s made Sydney a truly amazing place to be in January.

Latest Events
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    Paula Scher’s Amazing Maps

    Scher's pieces offer an individual distortion of the world and strong commentary about our society and often chaotic lifestyles.

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    Beautiful Paintings of Graffiti on Vans

    New York artist Kevin Cyr paints the artfully graffitied vans and vehicles of his Brooklyn neighbourhood.

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    No Years Announce the Second Line-up of Artists

    If you’re going to be in Brisbane in the waning hours of 2011 then to fulfill your requirements of getting loose/having fun you’ll need to be at the Powerhouse for No Years.

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    The Mona Lisa Recreated with a Single Line

    It's incredible the things an ordinary person can do if they just have the appropriate felt-tip pen.

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    Brooklyn Man Turns His Life Into An Exhibition in a Dumpster

    In the ultimate act of not being able to let go, an artist has transferred the detritus of his past into a perusable dumpster.

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    Semi-Fictional Audio Guides Narrate New York’s Museum Mile

    A conceptual sound collective and the French join forces to take you for a merry and blissfully confusing journey down Manhattan's Museum Mile.

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    NYC Artist Brings Subway Etiquette to Life

    NYC artist Jay Shells' Subway Etiquette Posters pokes fun at commuter pet peeves.

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    Swiss Artist Injects Order Into the Everyday

    Ursus Wehrli wants to put some order into your life.

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    Post-it Note Wars Erupt in Paris

    French corporate types are unleashing their creative sides in the French capital.

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    Beautiful Swear Words

    Theo Olesen turns swear words into finely illustrated graphics.

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    Banksy Takes On TV

    While most people think of a concept before a title is given to the project, graffiti artist and satire king Banksy does the opposite.

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    Design Similarities That Will Have you Seeing Double

    Bob Caruther's collection of images will leaving you wondering just how 'new' a new idea really is.

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    The London Riots: The Impact on Creative Communities

    While London was engaged in a process of repeatedly kicking itself in the face, some of those hardest hit have been independent artists and small businesses.

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    Win Tickets to Silent Comics at Graphic

    We have five double passes to giveaway to Silent Comics at Graphic.

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    2020 Vision: A Clear Picture of Conservation

    A UK multi-media conservation project brings together 20 of the UK's best wildlife photographers.

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    Australian Artist Creates Perfume You Can Swallow

    A scent that is not applied but taken as a pill.

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    Melbourne Street Artist Creates Australia’s Largest Paste-Up

    A Melbourne street artist has transformed the exterior of a product design company.

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    NYC Garbage Sold As Art

    Justin Gignac's success in selling garbage as art is proof you can sell anything that is packaged nicely.

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    Interview /// Concrete Playground meets webuyyourkids

    Kirstie Sequitin talks to Sonny Day head of their appearance at Semi-Permanent.

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    Improv Everywhere Causes a Scene in New York

    Their eighth mp3 experiment proves we've come a long way since the Napster debacle of the early noughties.

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    Random Acts of Kindness in Sydney

    For his new artwork Acts of Kindness, UK artist Michael Landy is collecting stories of Sydney's random acts of kindness.

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    This Is Not Art Festival Saved

    This Is Not Art is the dream that keeps us trudging through winter each year. Except that, for a moment there, it looked like this year's festival wouldn't happen.

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    Chris Jordan’s Rubbish Photography

    Artist Chris Jordan takes everyday items and scary statistics to make some thought-provoking digital photographs.

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    Text-Me-Up! The Art of Text Messages

    British artist Tracey Moberley works in the medium of texts.

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