Theatres To Usher In Live Tweeting
The last bastion of the phone-free two hours, the theatre, might be about to crumble.
Vivid Ideas 2012 Program Announced
Vivid Ideas is the creative part of the extravaganza that is Vivid Sydney, and this year it's bigger than ever before.
Berndaut Smilde Conjures Clouds Indoors
In a seemingly magical act, Smilde produces and photographs his indoor clouds to explore the concept of transition and physical presence in his latest collection.
Makoto Tojiki Brings the Intangible World of Holograms into Reality
Utilising thousands of LED lights and optical fibres, the Japanese artist creates futuristic celestial-like sculptures.
New York’s Iconic Water Tanks To Become Public Art
The Water Tank Project aims to raise awareness about water sustainability in a whimsical urban makeover.
Moss Poetry Appears in Sydney’s Paddington Reservoir Gardens
The walls of Sydney's historic reservoir are currently playing host to obscurely profound pieces of moss poetry.
Concrete Playground Meets Photographer Dean Sewell
Dean recently sat down with Concrete Playground to talk about the Lonely Station, photography and the usefulness of good rope skills.
Every World Press Photo Winner From 1955 to 2011
They say a picture tells a thousand words, and this old statement is strikingly appropriate for what's displayed here.
What Music Looks Like as an Object
German artist Martin Klimas endeavours to answer the question: 'what does music look like?'
Stuart Ringholt’s Naked Art Tours Come to Sydney
An art tour where all participants must turn up in the flesh, literally.
How Happy is Your City?
A giant emoticon erected above this Bavarian city is set to measure the general mood of the people below.
Fireworks by Day
A Chinese artist takes modern art to the sky with his daytime fireworks exhibition.
Please, Steal Our Banksy
A Melbourne hotel issues an open invitation to steal their artwork straight off the walls.
Concrete Playground Talks to Artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Lozano-Hemmer is famous for art that lurks in public spaces, galleries and even beaches, amplifying passers-by into new creatures with a city-sized will.
The World’s First Functional Painting Typewriter
To the delight of fetishists of redundant technology, an American artist has created a typewriter that paints.
Concrete Playground talks to Photographer David Stewart
Concrete Playground recently caught up with one of England's most respected photographers. Here's what he had to say.
Ben Turnbull’s Real Life Superheroes
This British artist's work serves as a bridge between collective fantasy and the harsh truths of the society we live in.
Concrete Playground’s Guide to Sydney Festival 2012
The reinvigorated Sydney Festival has completely transformed our city in summer and it’s made Sydney a truly amazing place to be in January.
Paula Scher’s Amazing Maps
Scher's pieces offer an individual distortion of the world and strong commentary about our society and often chaotic lifestyles.
Beautiful Paintings of Graffiti on Vans
New York artist Kevin Cyr paints the artfully graffitied vans and vehicles of his Brooklyn neighbourhood.
No Years Announce the Second Line-up of Artists
If you’re going to be in Brisbane in the waning hours of 2011 then to fulfill your requirements of getting loose/having fun you’ll need to be at the Powerhouse for No Years.
The Mona Lisa Recreated with a Single Line
It's incredible the things an ordinary person can do if they just have the appropriate felt-tip pen.
Brooklyn Man Turns His Life Into An Exhibition in a Dumpster
In the ultimate act of not being able to let go, an artist has transferred the detritus of his past into a perusable dumpster.
Semi-Fictional Audio Guides Narrate New York’s Museum Mile
A conceptual sound collective and the French join forces to take you for a merry and blissfully confusing journey down Manhattan's Museum Mile.
NYC Artist Brings Subway Etiquette to Life
NYC artist Jay Shells' Subway Etiquette Posters pokes fun at commuter pet peeves.
Swiss Artist Injects Order Into the Everyday
Ursus Wehrli wants to put some order into your life.
Post-it Note Wars Erupt in Paris
French corporate types are unleashing their creative sides in the French capital.
Banksy Takes On TV
While most people think of a concept before a title is given to the project, graffiti artist and satire king Banksy does the opposite.
Design Similarities That Will Have you Seeing Double
Bob Caruther's collection of images will leaving you wondering just how 'new' a new idea really is.
The London Riots: The Impact on Creative Communities
While London was engaged in a process of repeatedly kicking itself in the face, some of those hardest hit have been independent artists and small businesses.
Win Tickets to Silent Comics at Graphic
We have five double passes to giveaway to Silent Comics at Graphic.
2020 Vision: A Clear Picture of Conservation
A UK multi-media conservation project brings together 20 of the UK's best wildlife photographers.
Australian Artist Creates Perfume You Can Swallow
A scent that is not applied but taken as a pill.
Melbourne Street Artist Creates Australia’s Largest Paste-Up
A Melbourne street artist has transformed the exterior of a product design company.
NYC Garbage Sold As Art
Justin Gignac's success in selling garbage as art is proof you can sell anything that is packaged nicely.
Interview /// Concrete Playground meets webuyyourkids
Kirstie Sequitin talks to Sonny Day head of their appearance at Semi-Permanent.
Improv Everywhere Causes a Scene in New York
Their eighth mp3 experiment proves we've come a long way since the Napster debacle of the early noughties.
Random Acts of Kindness in Sydney
For his new artwork Acts of Kindness, UK artist Michael Landy is collecting stories of Sydney's random acts of kindness.
This Is Not Art Festival Saved
This Is Not Art is the dream that keeps us trudging through winter each year. Except that, for a moment there, it looked like this year's festival wouldn't happen.
Chris Jordan’s Rubbish Photography
Artist Chris Jordan takes everyday items and scary statistics to make some thought-provoking digital photographs.
Text-Me-Up! The Art of Text Messages
British artist Tracey Moberley works in the medium of texts.