Win Tickets to see The Sapphires
The Sapphires is a feel-good, sparkle-spangled film uncovering the journey of four Aboriginal girls.
Virgin Mobile to Live Stream Splendour in the Grass
Australia's favourite mid-winter music festival kicks off this Friday, with some amazing acts gracing Belongil Fields in Byron Bay.
Win a Double Pass to See Electric Guest
Los Angeles duo Electric Guest are heading to Australia for Splendour in the Grass, fresh from touring around the world.
Ten Boutique Hostels to Spice Up Your Travels
Be sure to book yourself a bed in one of these amazing locations on your next trip.
Eight International Festivals Australia Could Learn From
Large-scale gatherings that manage to combine brazen antics, booze and grannies in souped-up shopping carts with more cultivated offerings.
20 Quirky and Creative Beds
Beds can be used to express our inner self, to represent our deepest loves or simply help us wake up and get going in the morning.
A Winter Travel Guide to Thredbo
Open fires, hot chocolates, schnapps and dancing in your snow boots - get the basics right for the perfect winter break in Thredbo.
Win Tickets to You Instead
Directed by David Mackenzie, You Instead is a romantic comedy that is set at one of Scotland's biggest music festivals.
A Guide to the Best Radio Apps
In a world so rammed with visual stimulation, it is incredible to think that the simplicity of the sound of a voice is still an engaging notion.
Win Tickets to Hysteria
This film is a joyful and light-hearted take on the birth of sex toy, likely to put a knowing smile on a few faces in the audience.
Win Tickets to Where Do We Go Now?
Concrete Playground has ten double passes to give away for Nadine Labaki's modern fable.
Australia’s Haunted Landmarks
This land with a darker history than most really does seem the perfect home for things that go bump in the night.
Ten Stunning Beaches to Escape to this Winter
Must-see destinations for people wanting to chase summer around the globe and see some exquisite, exotic places in the process.
Seven Australian Novels They Don’t Teach You In School
We present our pick of the best of Australia's oft-forgotten cult classics; the kind they wouldn't dream of teaching you in school.
Win VIP Tickets to Parklife
We have a double VIP pass to giveaway in each city that Parklife will be making an appearance.
The Most Spectacular Photographs in Olympic Games History
We take a look at the best photographs from each summer Olympic Games throughout history.
A Bluffer's Guide to Art Parties
Most openings are come one, come many so we’ve enlisted the experts to help us brave our debut into the commercial art world with A Bluffer’s Guide to Art Parties.
Win Tickets to Marley
Marley reinforces the cultural significance of this Jamaican hero, who still resonates in music lovers' hearts all over the world almost 30 years after his death.
Win Tickets to Take This Waltz
It's a heartwarming and complex production, which is a must-see for romantics and cynics alike.
Beautiful World Maps of Facebook Activity
Justin Moore created these global maps as a captivating visual indicator of where and who the world's Facebook users are.
The Best of Vivid Light as Captured by You
The best of Vivid's light projections, as captured by the people of Sydney and her adoring visitors.
Ten Weird But Wonderful Places to See Before You Die
For many people a city is a city, and to truly live and experience beauty one has to look further - much further.
Beautiful Abandoned Railway Stations Around the World
Take a look at the some of the most gorgeous abandoned train stations from the around the globe to admire their classic beauty.
A History of Love on Film (and What it Says About Us)
From gay couples to unwed couples and human-monster romance, we look at those films that have changed how we see that crazy little thing called love.
Win Tickets to the Opening Night of the Human Rights Arts and Film Festival
Concrete Playground has five double passes to giveaway for the opening night, Australian Shorts.
Dreamlike Places That Actually Exist
Ranging from popular tourist destinations to awe-inspiring sights, these are places to add to the bucket list of amazing ones to visit before you kick it.
This American Life comes to Australian cinemas
With a weekly listenership of 1.7 million and a strong following since 1995, This American Life is due to make its debut in Australian cinemas.
Win Tickets to see Bel Ami
We have five double passes to see Bel Ami, the adaptation of the famously salacious 19th century novel.
Five Emerging Australian Fashion Designers You Need to Know
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia wrapped up last Friday after showcasing the best of local fashion design against the backdrop of Sydney Harbour.
The Buzz on Urban Beekeeping
Urban beekeepers in Australia are on the increase, with more and more people besotted by an unusual new love affair with backyard native beekeeping.
Win Tickets to 7 Kinds of Happiness
Seven seminars with major industry heavyweights explore how happiness impacts the practice of leading local and international designers.
Interview: Chip Rolley
The Sydney Writers' Festival artistic director speaks with Concrete Playground about the issues of private versus public.
Win Tickets to the Caravan of Courage Pop-Up Wine Bar
Have drinks with a travelling group of six Hunter Valley winemakers.
Five of the Funniest YouTube Sketch Comedies
Get straight to the good stuff with CP's list of the top five sketch comedy YouTube channels.
Win Season One of Call Me Fitz on DVD
After years of womanising and substance abusing, Fitz is on the hunt for his long-lost conscience.
Win a Double Pass to see The Dictator
Sacha Baron Cohen's newest creation is on a mission to safeguard his beloved (oppressed) nation from the clutches of democracy.
India’s ‘Hugging Saint’ Visits Australia
'Amma' drew thousands last week during her Australian stop on her humanitarian hug campaign.
Tourists Steal a Penguin From Sea World Australia
In a hazy, bizarre night, three allegedly intoxicated tourists broke into Sea World Australia, leaving with fairy penguin Dirk.
Win a Double Pass to see Safe
Win one of ten double passes to see breakneck speed crime thriller Safe.
Julian Assange Interviews Hezbollah Leader on his New Chat Show
Julian Assange, of WikiLeaks fame, premiered his talk show on RT this past Tuesday.