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Win Yourself a Literary-Inspired T-Shirt from The Affair

The Affair have transformed their love and passion for literature into a unique and compelling range of men's T-shirts

Sean Robertson
February 11, 2013


'Poison Tree' inspired by William Blake

While many a great writer have been inspired by the clothes on our back, few have attested to the efficacy and functionality of our second skin with such style and grace as that most eminently quotable of authors, Mark Twain, who famously (and accurately) stated that: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

It seems however, that the shoe (if you'll excuse just one more clothing-related pun) is on the other foot as pioneering fashionistas The Affair have transformed their love and passion for literature into a unique and compelling range of men's T-shirts. From cult favourites to undisputed classics, from Macbeth to cyberpunk, and from Wilde to Animal Farm, these UK-based Australians have combined the language and imagery from the litany of literary greats with their own captivating designs to create an awesome range of clothing that is "fashioned by literature".

The boys have just arrived back in Sydney for the Australian launch of The Affair, and in celebration Concrete Playground is offering you the chance to get your hands on one of three free T-shirts that not only is sure to turn heads but also evokes all the passion and beauty of the written word.

To be in the running, subscribe to our newsletter (if you're not already) and then email with your name and address.

'Mountains of Madness' inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and 'Crime and Punishment' inspired by Fyodor Dostoyevsky