News Technology

This Foldable Eating Set is Like Origami for Plates

Origami meets crockery.
Diana Clarke
April 14, 2015


If you go on picnics, or eat lunch on the go, or are just insatiably hungry at all times to the point where you get anxious when your next meal is unplanned (is this normal?) then Fold Project might have a solution. Fold Project is a start up company based in Auckland, and is the brainchild of entrepreneur slash industrial design lecturer, Oscar Fernandez. The company has recently announced their first product launch following a successful crowdfunding scheme, where they raised over $2000 towards their project. The star product is a fold up eating set. It’s like origami meets crockery. Basically plates, bowls, containers and cutlery that unfold into flat sheets of plastic for easy storage.

Because one receives weird looks when one reveals their Shrek lunchbox in the office, and ice cream containers make a square bulge in your handbag, Fold Project’s eating set is minimalistic, stowable and uber practical. The sets are plain colours, and consist of a few tabs and slits for foldability. Fold it into shape to eat, then unfold it once you're done, rinse it off, tuck it back into your bag and you're away.

The best part is that they’re all made in New Zealand and 100% BPA free. They’re recyclable and dishwasher safe. Low maintenance. And since the Fold Up team is just getting started, they’ve got a whole heap of expansion ideas on the horizon. Foldable chairs and tables are looking like promising next steps, but imagine a foldable tent and never having that actual-tent-is-seven-times-bigger-than-tent-bag struggle again. That’s the real dream.