22 Cakes by Alphabet Cafe

One cake just won't do.
Sarah Ward
Published on April 26, 2016


Fancy a slice of baked flour, butter, sugar, eggs and more? Let's be honest — who doesn't? Yep, everyone loves a piece of cake, or several. Or 22, perhaps?

Because one cake just won't do, Alphabet Cafe is bringing out every single recipe in their repertoire for a one-off eating event like no other. The details are simple, but delicious. Just book in, then head to Wandering Cooks at 5pm on April 27, and prepare to devour as many $4-per-slice servings of dessert goodness as you can possibly manage. Tickets cost $16, which includes your first piece plus a drink. We reckon this is a bit expensive — 16 bucks entry plus cake money — but we'll probably swallow our gripes with our third piece of cake.

Just in case you're not excited enough already, we're going to run through some of the concoctions on offer. There's Always Money in the Banana Stand is a banana cake meets peanut butter pudding mix, while Look to the Cookie adds a whole heap of biscuits to a vanilla and white chocolate-topped choccy feast. Cheesecake lovers can indulge in orange scented and spiced pumpkin varieties, and anyone avoiding gluten is covered too. There's more, but we don't want to give everything away. Now, who's hungry?

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