Event Brisbane


From images of the familiar daily grind to bewitching scenes where reality and the ethereal co-exist, 2Scapes will take you on a journey through incredible landscapes.
Elizabeth Penrose
December 02, 2013


Shut your eyes and let your mind take you to somewhere you'd rather be. Maybe you're knee-deep in turquoise waters, or in a mountain scene surrounded by tall trees, or even at your childhood home that's filled with happy memories. 2Scapes is an art exhibition created by two talented local artists, Brett Star and Juni Halatutavaha, which aims to allow the viewer to get lost in the gorgeous landscapes and escape reality.

One environment that 2Scapes focuses on is our familiar everyday surroundings. However, it also displays those serene scenes in which we escape to in our daydreams. Brett is a photographer and his stunning images taken around Brisbane will be showcased. Contrastingly, Juni has created scenes that share landscapes created from her memory and mythology of her Niuean ancesty.

Let 2Scapes take you on a journey without every leaving the Substation Gallery and Studio (pictured). Make sure you head along to opening night this Friday from 6-8.30pm.



Friday, December 6, 2013 - Monday, December 9, 2013

Friday, December 6 - Monday, December 9, 2013


Substation Gallery and Studio
150 Enoggera Terrace
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