360 Allstars
Circus meets extreme sports in this ballsy, world-class stage show.
World champion athletes, renowned dancers and acclaimed musicians don't usually all share the same stage, but when they do it's something special. That's the idea behind 360 Allstars, which combines the circus with extreme sports — all at QPAC's Playhouse between Wednesday, January 5–Sunday, January 16.
A reimagining of the conventional big-top acts, 360 Allstars injects breakdancers, basketball freestylers, BMX flatlanders and rappers into its performance to give the arena a whole new colour and shape. If you're wondering why, the better question is 'why not?'. The circus is where anything can happen and, in this case, anything very well might.
A hit on the international circuit, 360 Allstars has played sold-out shows everywhere from Broadway to the Sydney Opera House — and if you missed its last trip to Brisbane, here's your change to make up for it.
All those performers will be accompanied by video projections and dazzling lighting design, adding to an unconventional night at the theatre for thrill-seekers young and old.