4ZZZ Milk Factory Gig

Check out the latest hip hop and electronic acts to get the 4ZZZ stamp of approval.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 26, 2015


You might not recognise the names Inspired Insomniac, Jaycee and Yukon Snakes now, but in time, we think you probably will. They're three of Brisbane's best up-and-coming hip hop and electronic acts, and they have an extra advantage at their latest show.

We're not just talking about their versatility, although that will definitely be on display. Inspired Insomniac plays everything from deep dubstep to experimental hip hop, while Jaycee's lyrics and Yukon Snakes' beats are the driving forces behind their respective claims to fame.

No, their push to prominence comes in the form of the force supporting their combined showcase at The Milk Factory. The talented trio are all on the lineup for the latest 4ZZZ gig, which is quite the stamp of approval, as alternative and independent music lovers will know. When it comes to championing local talent, no one does it better than the city's favourite community radio station.

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