Arts & Entertainment

A Collection of Various Selves

Head down to Metro Arts from Wednesday to experience a self that varies from the usual – if you can bring yourself to tear yourself away from your computer.
By Kirstie Sequitin
August 09, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wednesday, August 10 - Saturday, August 27, 2011

Metro Arts Gallery

109 Edward Street, Brisbane
Buy Tickets

In a time when social media reigns supreme, how can we distinguish between what is real and what is not? Our RTs on Twitter, our reblogs on tumblr, our wall posts on Facebook, our pins on Pinterest – they create a virtual self that may or may not reflect how we actually act on a day to day basis. It’s kind of like that episode of Portlandia – which I fear is becoming a reality for me and my friends more and more every day.

Choreographer Liesel Zink has taken this into account with her latest theatre work A Collection of Various Selves, a performance based on months of conversations between Zink and more than 800 people via social media networkers. A Collection of Various Selves explores where people stop and their online personas begin amongst 140 character tweets and rapid-fire status updates, through an eclectic performance by Zink and her crew of movers and shakers.

Head down to Metro Arts from Wednesday to experience a self that varies from the usual – if you can bring yourself to tear yourself away from your computer.

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