Antoinnette J Citizen: Method for Counting Qualia

Step inside Antoinnette J Citizen's reality with her latest piece at Boxcopy.
Elizabeth Penrose
Published on September 30, 2013


Boxcopy Weekender's latest instalment is, Method for Counting Qualia, a showcase of Antoinnette J Citizen's latest work. Citizen is a visual artist and honours graduate from a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Queensland University of Technology. This inspiring artist has had exhibitions in cities across Australia and New Zealand. Her talent has been recognised in the form of numerous awards, such as the New Work Grant – Early Career by the Australia Council.

Method for Counting Qualia involves a mechanical pie chart which serves to display and compare the various qualia that comprise Citizen's reality in live time. The pie chart is a visual representation of the datasets that Citizen is a member of and continually updates to show her network's current experiences.

Take this opportunity to get inside the world of one of Australia's stand-out artists.


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