Ballistic Beer Yoga 2022

Spend your Thursday nights stretching and sipping beer — in a brewery.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 18, 2022


The term 'best of both worlds' certainly applies to beer yoga. Exercise, alcohol — what's not to love? And we'll all just happily overlook the fact that one counteracts the other because simultaneously sipping and stretching is just so much fun.

This batch of brew-fuelled active sessions boasts a little something extra, however. When you're doing your best downward-facing dog and then pausing to take a drink, you'll be doing all of the above in a brewery. Just join the folks at Ballistic Beer Co fortnightly on Thursdays, with the remaining sessions for 2022 spanning from August 18–December 8.

That means that you can head by on August 18; September 1, 15 and 29; October 13 and 27; November 10 and 24; and December 8.

You'll want to head to Ballistic's Salisbury digs, and arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm start. The session will only set you back $15, which includes the class and a Ballistic beer — and it's a BYO yoga mat situation.


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