Black Coffee Friday 2019
Spend Good Friday sipping good coffee.
Start your long weekend with an extra spring in your step — and an extra-special cup of coffee. Every year when Good Friday rolls around, Bunker Coffee dedicates the day to damn good caffeinated brews, and 2019 is no different.
Well, it is different in one significant way. This year, the jolt-inducing beverages will be flowing at Bessa Coffee on Little Cribb Street instead. From 7am on Friday, April 19, the fellow Milton hangout will be whipping up a black coffee menu that'll have you buzzed until Easter. (Don't worry, cuppas will be available in different sizes, so you will be able to sleep — and try them all.)
On the Black Coffee Friday lineup is brews by Wood & Co, Five Senses, Sample and Small Batch, as well as coffee beer and a ping pong competition. As for a soundtrack, that'll come courtesy of The Beau Jorgenson Trio from 8am–11am. Who said public holidays were for sleeping in?