For some, seeing the months tick by means Christmas in July, planning for the festive season and wondering just where the time goes. For high schoolers, if often means another tradition. They're approaching the end of school and having a party to celebrate — and for everyone who's already been there and done that, the Brightside is putting their spin on the classic coming-of-age shindig by throwing a mid-year prom.
Yes, it's back. Yes, it's the excuse you need each to party like you're just about to end your studies. So frock up in your finest, fanciest attire, collect your date in style and then prepare to make some memories.
You'll do all of the above dancing the night away, donning your finest cocktail attire, grabbing a free rose, and drinking themed beverages. We The Prom Kings will provide the live soundtrack, and make sure you stay until midnight, as that's when 2017 Brightside prom king and queen will be crowned.
Sat, Jul 22, 2017
Saturday, July 22, 2017
The Brightside27 Warner Street