Brisbane Open House

Discover the beautiful buildings that make Brisbane unique at this two-day weekend event.
Elizabeth Penrose
Published on October 08, 2013


Brisbane Open House celebrates our town's wondrous offerings to the world of engineering and architecture. This two day event grants the public entry to some of Brisbane's beautiful buildings and allows easy access to their rich histories. The event was launched three years ago and occurs in conjunction with World Architecture Day. Over the past few years, the two-day event has attracted over 12, 500 people eager to engage with their built-environment.

In 2013, the buildings that will be featured include, All Saints Church, Brisbane Arcade, City Hall and Customs House, amongst many, many others. Check out the other events during the two-day program, such as the Art in Design Exhibition at the Australian institute of Architects Headquarters. The exhibition will feature the work of some of the state's leading architects, artists, landscapers. It will feature plans, drawings and paintings.

See our gorgeous city in a whole new light and explore its many unique structures over a sunny weekend!


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