Keen to celebrate the sights, sounds and tastes of Thailand, but can't make the trip abroad at the moment? Whether you're lamenting your inability to head to southeast Asia, getting your fix in-between sight-seeing visits, or simply a fan of Thai culture, cuisine and traditions, the annual Brisbane Thai Festival has you covered.
The event is expected to attract more than 15,000 patrons, so you certainly won't be alone. Don't worry — with food, performances, Thai boxing demonstrations, and a beer and wine bar on offer, there's plenty for everyone at Brisbane's largest Thai-focused event.
Indulging in all the Massaman curries you can eat, iced teas you can drink and traditional dances you can watch is only part of the equation, of course. As run by the Thai-Australian Association of Queensland Inc, the festival aims to promote and strengthen ties and harmony between the Thai and Australian communities. By heading along, you'll not only get a feast of food and entertainment — you'll be doing your cross-cultural part.
Sun, Sep 3, 2017
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Roma Street ParklandsRoma Street
Event Type
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