Food & Drink

Cinco de Mayo at Beach Burrito Coogee

What's a fiesta without cheap tacos, a taco eating contest, and on-theme drinks to wash down your tacos?
By Jessica Surman
April 22, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beach Burrito Coogee

3/260 Coogee Bay Road, Coogee

in partnership with

Dust off your sombreros, amigos. The latest international excuse for a good time to reach our shores is Cinco de Mayo — a celebration of all things Mexican (which, if we’re being nit-picky, is really more of an Americanisation than anything but shh, let us party). In celebration, the folks at Corona and Beach Burrito Company Coogee are putting together a fiesta, complete with face painting by local street artists and the first ever Taco Time Trials Eating Contest.

For the less competitively inclined but equally taco-happy, Cinco de Mayo falls conveniently on a Tuesday, and Beach Burrito Co’s regular $3 taco deal applies, so your pesos’ll stretch further. With what you’ve got left, you can sip salt-rimmed margaritas, down trays of tequila shots (not recommended) or share a bucket of ice-cold Coronas.

And, of course, come prepared to smash and whack your way to glory, because they wouldn’t be doing Mexico right without pinatas.

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