Cobra Kai Club

What kind of venue in Brisbane has jugs of Passion Pop at the ready (don’t pretend like the adolescent in you doesn’t still love that sweet sweet spumante), Mortal Kombat and Space Invaders arcade machines and amazing bands and DJs playing all night long?
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on August 24, 2011


What kind of venue in Brisbane has jugs of Passion Pop at the ready (don’t pretend like the adolescent in you doesn’t still love that sweet sweet spumante), Mortal Kombat and Space Invaders arcade machines and amazing bands and DJs playing all night long?

None! … Until now. Cobra Kai is a brand new club night in a brand new venue that is determined to stand out above the rest. That polka-dotted building that sits over the Monastery’s grave on Ann Street is Oh Hello!, Cobra Kai’s home, and as well as the aforementioned spumante goodness there’s sangria jugs, Monteith’s Crushed Apple Cider on tap and Cobra Kai’s very own Pale Ale, so all tastebuds are catered for.  Live music comes in the form of Magic Spells (in their first live show), Keep On Dancin's and Oh Ye Denver Birds (with promises of a Hollaback Girl cover!), and if someone's bagsed the MK machine once the bands finish then you can always play Xbox on the big screen behind the bar. Cobra Kai's got it all and more – find out the goods for yourself this Thursday and every Thursday from here on in.

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