Danksgiving 2016

Give thanks for great music.
Sarah Ward
Published on November 07, 2016


There are many different ways of giving thanks, not that the American holiday dedicated to the occasion has been adopted in Australia. You can enjoy the bliss that is a good meal shared with good people. Or, you can head out, indulge in a few beverages and listen to some great music.

You know who's suggesting the latter, don't you? New Farm Records, Control zine and... yep, The Brightside. After a massive event last year, they're back for more. Several courses worth, in fact.

At Danksgiving, you'll get a feast of the sonic kind, with your ears treated to Waax, Wolver, Feelsclub, Sleep Club, Concrete Surfers and Keta Beats. Okay, okay, so it's happening a couple of weeks before the US holiday, but hey, it's all about getting into the spirit of things really. Here's hoping that doesn't mean awkward conversations with your relatives are part of the proceedings.

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