Dave’s Pawn Shop

Roll up early to grab your tickets on the door for a night of great music, and great deeds.
Alice Bopf
Published on October 21, 2013


Dave's Pawn Shop, known for their high-voltage live sets and unrelenting grunge tunes, are stopping in at The Zoo while riding their continuing wave of success. They’ve got their EP ‘Enemy’ under their belt and a spot on the Big Day Out line up to their name, all that’s left is to bring the noise.

Their set at The Zoo will be an extra special one: they’ll be joining local talents Minus Nine, Dameena, and Dead Zephyr to raise funds for Act For Kids, a charity that strives towards the safety of children against acts of abuse and neglect.

Roll up early to grab your tickets on the door for a night of great music, and great deeds.


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