Die Empty

Bleeding Heart Gallery's newest exhibition goes interactive with some of Brisbane’s most talented artists.
James Frostick
Published on June 24, 2013


For one week only, Bleeding Heart will play host to Die Empty, an interactive exhibition and art group organised by English artist Samantha Yallope with the purpose of shedding light on some of Brisbane’s best up-and-coming artists.

On Friday, June 28, the opening night kicks off at 5pm, with live entertainment and a licensed bar (under 18s are asked to attend with a chaperone).

Curious about the name? This is what Samantha had to say on the Die Empty website:

“A friend of mine told me about a book he read that had a profound effect on him (The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry). The last two words of the entire book were ‘die empty’, as in ‘live full, die empty’. We had a chat about how we might die empty. He writes and I paint, so the conversation mostly revolved around release through creative self expression and it’s place in society.”

In this sense, the works on display at Die Empty are the result of a cathartic release — emotions poured onto canvas, expressing the inner desires and distresses of each artist. Die Empty is by no means a title of ill omen, but rather the result of releasing bottled up emotions into art and the satisfaction afterwards of no longer holding onto inner turmoil.

If this sounds interesting to you, do yourself a favour and head to Bleeding Heart Gallery this Friday.

The followings artists will have work on display:

Samantha Yallope
Katie Lee Gretch
Joy French
Hendrix Travis
Carla Benzie
Rita Rose
Steve Falco
Jamie Yallope
Jason Gorman
Oliver Strauss


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