Elliott Smith Tribute

Celebrate the talents of music icon lost too soon.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 28, 2017


In the song that helped cement his fame in the late '90s, Elliott Smith half crooned, half whispered a lyric that would go on to prove oh-so-prophetic: "I'm never gonna know you now, but I'm gonna love you anyhow". At the time, they were words of solace for anyone that hadn't had their romantic affections shared. Come 2003, when the singer-songwriter passed away, they took on a very different tenor.

The track in question, 'Waltz #2 (XO)', came from his 1998 album XO; however, both sprang from a seemingly overflowing well of excellent efforts, as his short career would prove. For many fans, it all started with Either/Or in 1997. For some, it was 2000's Figure 8 that truly demonstrated his genius. Others had been listening since 1994's Roman Candle.

All four, plus posthumous release From A Basement On The Hill, will get a spin at The Brightside's Elliott Smith Tribute — and, in typical tribute style, a heap of other great talents will be on hand to help. Join McKisko, Paper Hearts, Lisa Crawley, Tom Cooney, Laura Mardon, Ben Mastwyk, Tom Ware, SS.Sebastian and Megan Cooper as they mark twenty years since Either/Or's release by celebrating Smith through song.

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