Fete de la Musique

Fete de la Musique is the one event this year that you literally cannot miss - you won’t be able to.
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on June 15, 2011


The world’s biggest international live music event is almost upon us. There are no tickets, no seating, no supports and no headliners, just music – everywhere. Fete de la Musique is held in 350 cities around the world on the same day every year, and its message is simple: make music everywhere.

2011 marks the fourth year of Brisbane’s involvement in the festival, with 215 acts crooning and tuning all over the city from 7am ‘til midnight. Expect the unexpected with Fete de la Musique – the beauty of this event is that performances are held everywhere. Forget the stage in the middle of Queen Street Mall, the Fete performers are more likely to play on a bus, the shopping centre, the library, the street, even the CityCat will play venue on the day.

Fete de la Musique is the one event this year that you literally cannot miss - you won’t be able to. Look out for Bang Bang Boss Kelly and Pear and the Awkward Orchestra! Where will they be? The Goodwill Bridge? Central Station? A… hair salon? Find out on Tuesday.

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