Event South Brisbane

'Game of Thrones' Beer and Board Game Night

Celebrate the hit TV show's tenth birthday while drinking Moon 'GoT'-inspired brews.
Sarah Ward
May 10, 2021


Time flies when you're obsessing over a big blockbuster fantasy TV series, as HBO's biggest hit of the past decade demonstrates. Last month marked ten years since Game of Thrones first hit screens and became a pop culture phenomenon — broadening the world's awareness of George RR Martin's books, pointing out how often Sean Bean meets an untoward end on-screen and delivering more dragon-fuelled drama than anyone ever knew they needed.

Keen to celebrate the occasion like you're in a Westerosi tavern? That's an option, all thanks to a new collaboration between Moon Dog Brewing and Warner Bros Consumer Products. The two have joined forces on a new line of GoT beers, so get ready to sip a Breaker of Chains imperial stout and a Watchers on the Wall imperial white ale. The former features chipotle chilli, vanilla and a chocolate finish, while the latter pairs white chocolate with orange and coriander.

Winter might be coming, but these brews will be available on Thursday, May 13 — so, in autumn — at Saccharomyces Beer Cafe. The South Brisbane watering hole is also whipping out a Game of Thrones board game to keep everyone entertained, with a round and a brew costing $20.

Cole Bennetts

Top image: Kate Shanasy.



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