Go Violets EP Launch

Bop along to Go Violets' delightful five-track creation, Heart Slice.
Elizabeth Penrose
Published on October 14, 2013


Ah, Go Violets, you make our hearts flutter. With their surf-rock goodness and babin' good looks, it's impossible to not fall for this all girl quartet.

Head to Jet Black Cat Music for the Brisbane band's latest musical offering. Join Go Violets on Thursday night to celebrate the girls' debut EP, Heart Slice, and pick up a copy for yourself. In the meantime, listen to its tracks such as Josie, Teenager and Runner. Heart slice is filled with cheerful and irresistibly catchy chorus' with honest lyrics. These girls always put on an entertaining show and their love of music oozes into their performances.

Go Violets are destined for big things so make sure you get your hot little hands on a copy of their debut EP while you can. What's more, this is one for all ages.


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