Event South Brisbane

GOMA's Twin Peaks Trivia Night

If you know your cherry pie from your Log Lady, rally the troops.
Sarah Ward
March 27, 2015


You've obsessed over the series, watched the movie that followed, thought about buying Laura Palmer's house and even read The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (yes, it really exists). You know that the pattern on the floor inside the Black Lodge also pops up in David Lynch's Eraserhead, and that the actress who played Double R Diner owner Norma, Peggy Lipton, is the real-life mother of Parks and Recreation's Rashida Jones.

If you know all this, you're ready for the Twin Peaks Trivia Night — and even if you don't, you should still try your luck. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the TV series like no other, the folks at Man vs Bear have compiled a very special challenge, covering everything from cherry pie to the Log Lady.

Think clues, coffee and a damn fine night of fun, in the latest event to accompany the Gallery of Modern Art's David Lynch: Between Two Worlds exhibition. Teams of two to eight people can enter, and bookings are essential. Note: you can dress up as Agent Dale Cooper if you like, but you can't ask your friend Diane for help with the answers.



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