Grace Herbert: Show Room

Move over Mad Men.
Sarah Ward
Published on November 21, 2016


If Mad Men taught us anything — and it taught us many things, let's face it, including how catching old soft drink commercials can be — it's that advertising agencies sure do like to target middle-aged men. Tasmanian visual artist Grace Herbert wants to challenge that idea through her latest exhibition, Show Room. Her approach is simple: she tries to place herself in that role, and then unleashes the results.

Herbert's showcase spans a mix of forms and materials, including sixties minimalist sculptures to the modern Australian display centre. And if you're wondering why she's exploring the concept after exhibiting her work as part of both Next Wave festival and Dark MOFO, let's just say that the rhetoric behind targeting products to male consumers could also be said to underscore the art world.

Show Room displays at Metro Arts from November 16 until December 3 as a FAKE Estate presentation.


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