In 2001, the movie-watching world was introduced to Hedwig and The Angry Inch. The story of an East German genderqueer singer who found solace in glam and punk rock had already graced the stage; however when theatre star-turned-film director, writer and actor John Cameron Mitchell took the tale from off-Broadway to the cinema, Hedwig truly stepped into the spotlight.
To celebrate just over 15 years of the iconic film, MELT Festival is doing two things in one. First, they're playing the movie on the big screen in all its glory. Then they're hosting HEDWIG in Concert, corralling plenty of vocal and musical talent such as Sandro Colarelli, Josh Daveta, James Halloran, Bertie Page and Lucinda Shaw, and turning the whole night into one heck of a party.
Sat, Jan 28, 2017
Sat, Jan 28, 2017
119 Lamington Street
New Farm
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