Indie Tasting Brisbane

This'll get you in high spirits.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 13, 2016


Move over, craft beer — it's craft spirits' time to shine. Everyone's been to a day dedicated to the former; however spending an afternoon in a room with over 30 exhibitors showcasing more than 100 craft spirits, with master distillers on hand too, is a pretty rare occasion.

No wonder the Indie Tasting folks thought they'd bring their booze-infused celebration to Brisbane, and to Lefty's Old Time Music Hall, no less. It's the type of event that whiskey, gin, rum, vodka and tequila-lover's dreams are made of. We'd keep listing different kinds of spirits, but we're getting thirsty.

Sampling the best Aussie and international indie brands on offer is the number one item on the agenda, obviously, including scoring a sneak peek sample of a few boutique tipples that aren't even available in bars and stores yet. Six seminars covering the likes of small-scale production, modern mixers and coffee-flavoured concoctions will boost your craft spirits knowledge too, and live music from the aptly named Whiskey Blues will keep the day rockin'.

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