Indoor Plant Workshop

Learn everything you need to keep your house filled with green babies.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 13, 2018


Your green thumb is itching. You know where to buy plants. You know that you need to place them in the sun, and that you also need to water them. Alas, whatever you do, you just can't turn your house into a thriving inside garden. Basically, you need help becoming an indoor plant master — or tips on how not to kill your patch of greenery with kindness, at the very least.

Enter the Institute of Modern Art, landscape designer and plant expert Pete Shields, and two hours of your Saturday that'll get you on the path to parenting green babies aplenty. The one-off session on June 14 will teach you all the things you need to know, like which types of plants are best, how their various parts — roots, stems, leaves and flowers, for example — function, and how to help them thrive. You'll also make cuttings and get a start on your own garden, with plants and materials supplied.

Kicking off at 2pm, tickets cost $40 for non-IMA members — and if you're wondering about Shields' skills, you might've already seen them in action. He chose the plants for IMA's own garden, and has also worked on other spaces around the place, including Cloudland.

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