Kerbside Markets

The Kerbside Markets which start this month, will be a monthly Sunday afternoon laneway market held at the eclectic Constance St bar.
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on March 16, 2011


You know what people in Brisbane like? They like markets - Valley Markets, Suitcase Rummage, West End Markets, Marky Markets, so on and so forth. You know what else they like? They like drinking - cocktails, beer, rum, wine and so on. Therefore the logical equation to bring these simple joys together would be markets + drinking = Kerbside Markets.

For those not so mathematically inclined, the Kerbside Markets will be a monthly Sunday afternoon laneway market held at the eclectic Constance St bar. It’s the only market where you can grab a boutique beer and filter through the miscellaneous paraphernalia sold by the likes of Little Bird, Pannikin, Restless, Calabash, Silver Tooth Vintage and more.

And unlike other markets around town, there’ll be fewer crowds and fewer crap – no bulk imported goods here! And once you’ve tapped out from a hard day’s foraging through the marketplace, you can slump into a seat, couch or rocking chair and compliment your booze and buys with a snag from the Kerbside sausage sizzle (vegetarian and gluten-free friendly sausages available too!).

The best part is that entry to the Kerbside Markets is free. Consuming does cost  a little extra though.

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