Killer Trivia

Which horror movie villain slays his victims in their dreams?
Sarah Ward
Published on November 21, 2016


Why does the name Michael Myers (no, not that Mike Myers) cause a shiver down horror movie viewers' spines? And why should you stay away from anyone wearing a red and green sweater? If you know the answers, then you're primed to slay everyone with your tidbit-retaining talents at the Brightside's Killer Trivia night.

Freddie, Jason, Leatherface, the heap of folks that've donned a ghost face mask in the Scream movies — they'll all get a mention, we're sure. So will Hannibal Lecter, Jack Torrance from The Shining and anyone else who has picked up a weapon and wreaked havoc in a scary flick.

They slashed their way through many a feature, and now you can use your knowledge of their exploits to slash your way through the horror film-loving competition. And, the usual Brighty trivia conditions apply: it's free, costumes are 100% encouraged, and prizes will be handed out for the best dressed, the best team names, and for winning (obviously).

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