Lucks and Daniel Brock

A joint exhibition by two emerging young artists concerned with placeholders of society.
Alice Bopf
Published on March 17, 2014


A joint exhibition by two emerging young artists concerned with placeholders of society.

Lucks is an artist by name and by influence—this Brisbane street artists looks at the opposing forces of karma, philosophy and religion, playing upon words and imagery to question rather than make statements. Mixed media and found objects are his paint brush and the forgotten urban plains are his canvas.

Daniel Brock is the hand behind large scale intricate and refined watercolour images of cycling manoeuvres. He dances on the line that separates abstract and representation; hinting at his meaning, never fully demonstrating the reasoning behind his subject matter, rarely seen on the walls of an art gallery.

Together they present a series of works that are precise, requiring a steady hand and an eye for detail, yet represent a corner of society known for relishing its separation from high culture. Rough and grime, dirty and haphazard, so distant from the works of this exhibition. The ironic, complementary juxtaposition is where the beauty lies.

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