Macbeth — The Danger Ensemble

One of the Bard's best returns — but not as you know it.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 14, 2017


Macbeth begins with witches warning of coming toil and trouble; however, what they really should've been predicting is the never-ending spate of adaptations of the text. Can't stop, won't stop seems to be the motto of every theatre group, troupe and interested party when it comes to staging one of the Bard's greatest works. Plays, films, student performances... they just keep coming.

The Danger Ensemble's addition to the fold isn't just another standard version, though. The Brisbane theatremakers have made danger more than their middle name, after all. Where else will you find a take on the tale inspired by horror films and boasting a distinctive Australian air? Nowhere, of course.

Expect dark, brooding, bleak and moody as one of theatre's most scheming power couples go on the ultimate quest for success, and learn the price of their actions. Expect a twist on the usual male-heavy gender dynamic, too, with only four of the production's roles played by men.


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