May the Forks Be With You: A 'Star Wars' Art Show
20 artists whip up their tributes to a galaxy far, far away.
May the force be with you, Brisbanites — or, at Netherworld, the forks. The best time of year is here, May is upon us, and plenty of Star Wars celebrations are scheduled on and around May 4th. At the Fortitude Valley bar, it also means a dedicated Star Wars art exhibition.
This year's creative tribute is called May the Forks Be With You: A Star Wars Art Show — and if you're wondering about the name, it's because every piece will be displayed on a dinner plate. The showcase launches on Thursday, May 2, as the Valley venue gears up for a huge Star Wars party on the weekend. Think Star Wars pinball and arcade machines, themed food at the Hellmouth Diner, Star Wars beers and plenty of other shenanigans.
In total, 20 artists will be unveiling their creative odes to George Lucas' space opera, and everything from Jedis to Gungans will likely get a look in. See artistic talents that burn brighter than a lightsaber and knock back drinks like you're in a cantina. What else could you want?