New Year's Day Hangover Cure Breakfast and Brunch

Pick yourself up after a big night out with bottomless Italian food — and bellinis.
Sarah Ward
Published on December 23, 2019


The words "bottomless brunch" sound mighty fine whenever they're uttered. An endless array of food and booze will do that (even if, thanks to time limits, such events do always come with a finishing point). But, the best concepts can still be improved. With this one, all that's needed is three extra words. Combine the all-you-can-eat-and-drink set-up with New Year's Day, and you've got yourself a meal that'll kickstart your 2020 in a stellar fashion.

Accordingly, that's how Salt Meats Cheese South Bank will be spending its first morning of the new year, with its New Year's Day Hangover Cure Breakfast and Brunch running from 10am–1pm. On the menu: as many Italian breakfast treats from the buffet as you can manage, as well as two hours of bellinis. Hair of the dog that bit you, and all that.

The food portion will set you back $39, and the booze an extra $29 — and if you're feeling a little tender, you can just opt for the former.

Bookings are essential — but your future self will thank you.

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