Newstead Beer School 101

Start your Saturdays with the best kind of lessons: beer lessons.
Sarah Ward
Published on September 20, 2018


At some point during your high school years, a thought ran through your mind: will I ever use this knowledge? Whether you were learning algebra, ancient history or astrophysics, the answer is always yes — but at Newstead Beer School 101, you won't even be asking the question.

Every Saturday morning at 10am between October 6 and November 10, Newstead Brewing Co is hosting the types of classes you wish you could've taken back in the day: beer classes. Across two hours, you'll get your very own beer handbook, as well as a guided walk-through of six of the brewery's beers. No, there's no test at the end.

You will also receive a beer when you arrive and one to finish off the class, however, which we're sure no other school you've ever attended was able to offer. Each session costs $20, and is limited to ten people, so booking as soon as possible is recommended.

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