Night of the Living Dead at Cobra Kai

I’m still not too sure on the exact reason why we celebrate Halloween in this country but it’s probably because everyone under the age of 30 secretly enjoys dressing up as a zombie/piece of pizza/Superman/slutty cheerleader but doesn’t have a good enough reason to in their day-to-day life
Kirstie Sequitin
Published on October 25, 2011


The holiday season is great for a myriad of reasons – food, spending time with the people you love – but my personal favourite aspect of the holidays is that you can go to a party and not feel guilty about it the next day because hey man, it’s the holidays! Try that at work next time you rock up with a raging hangover on Tuesday morning because, as we all know, Halloween is this Monday.

I’m still not too sure on the exact reason why we celebrate Halloween in this country but it’s probably because everyone under the age of 30 secretly enjoys dressing up as a zombie/piece of pizza/Superman/slutty cheerleader but doesn’t have a good enough reason to in their day-to-day life. Thus- Halloween gets integrated quite easily into our true blue standard of living.

Cobra Kai is starting the party early at their Night of the Living Dead party this Thursday. As well as the standard tricks and treats (prizes for best costume), there’ll be sets by Some Knights, Kate & Max and Magic Spells. Sydney’s Jonathan Boulet will be headlining with his colourful pop outfit that’ll put a smile on even the deadest of the undead.

Drag your limbs down to Oh Hello this Thursday to get your Halloween fix in early.

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