If you're a fan of Nutella, then you likely live by one rule: when it comes to the chocolate-hazelnut spread, you can never have enough. Of course, just how you interpret that idea is up to you. Maybe you slather your bread with it every morning for breakfast. Perhaps you always opt for whichever Nutella dessert is on any given restaurant menu. Or, you could head up the highway for a dedicated Nutella Festival.
The Sunshine Coast's Nightquarter is throwing the latter from 4–10pm on Saturday, July 23. We recommend arriving hungry. Entry costs $3, and you'll need to pay for whatever Nutella creations you'd like to eat or drink — but this fest is rather devoted to combining its favourite ingredient with, well, everything.
The food menu includes Nutella doughnuts and cronuts, as well as Nutella pancakes. Think Nutella can only be added to traditional dessert-style foods? The fest's Nutella pizza and Nutella bao will change that opinion. Nutella brownies, churros, milkshakes, bubble waffles and funnel cakes are on the menu, too. And, there'll apparently be some legit Nutella savoury options.
Basically, if you're wondering what could possibly be tempting your tastebuds, just think of a dish and imagine adding Nutella to it.
The spread will even be worked into the entertainment lineup, including Nutella juggling, Nutella-eating competitions, a Nutella variety show and a magician doing what no one at this event will want (other than when they're devouring the stuff): making Nutella disappear.
Sat, Jul 23, 2022
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Nightquarter8 The Avenue
From $3-
Event Type