Event Brisbane

Opera in the Bar

There's pub karaoke, and then there's this.
Sarah Ward
July 18, 2016


If there's one certainty in life, it's that drinking and singing go hand in hand. After a few beverages, everyone likes to belt out a tune. However, there's pub karaoke, and then there's Brewski's latest evening of fun.

At Opera in the Bar, Dan Dainton from Victoria's Dainton Family Brewery will be putting his vocal chords to the test — but with the kind of music you don't often hear at Brewski. Expect the visiting brewer to let loose with a few of his operatic favourites. Yes, really.

Of course, expanding your cultural horizons isn't the only thing on offer, with plenty of yeasty, foamy goodness coursing through taps. Grab a pint of Samurye Lager, Das Duffel Draftt Alt Bier, Insane Uncle IPA, Bad Daughter Choc Orange Porter and Black Sheep Brunch Stout, and then pull up a chair for the kind of boozy show you really won't see anywhere.



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