Plastic Free July Day

Do the environment a solid and learn to live without plastic.
Sarah Ward
Published on June 28, 2018


When Sunday, July 1 rolls around, it won't just mark the start of another month or another financial year, but it'll also see the beginning of a new eco-friendly regime. That's the day all Queensland stores will have to scrap single-use plastic bags; however that's only one step in the war against waste. From straws to plastic containers to water bottles, plastic is — sadly — everywhere.

It won't be at Wandering Cooks on that particular date though, with the venue playing host to a day of talks, markets and workshops that are all about going plastic-free. Find out other ways to do the environment a solid, pick up supplies, learn how to make your own skincare products, discover what local businesses are doing and work towards reducing for plastic footprint.

Entry is free, but if you'd like to take part in the workshops, they cost between $5–10 per person.

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