QSO Current 2016
Let's get classical.
Maybe Bach, Mozart and Chopin get your pulse racing. Perhaps you think Beethoven is just a movie about a dog. Whatever your take on classical music, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra wants to change your perception about their preferred style of tunes.
Indeed, their annual QSO Current concert series is designed to do just that. Comprised of five riverside performances that take place at the State Library of Queensland and the Brisbane Powerhouse over the course of 24 hours — including three world premieres — the busy program is designed to burst boundaries and smash open genres.
First up, Kupka's Piano bust out Things are becoming new, a recital that says it all in the title. Then, the QSOCurrent Chamber Orchestra joins forces with director and saxophonist Rafael Karlen to debut a daring evening of stunning classical and jazz infusions. Next, Tom Thum returns after his 2015 success to once again beatbox his way into reframing sonic compositions. Add Sampology showcasing electronic montages of sound and vision inspired by their new EP 'Natural Selections', and then Argo fusing the classical with the contemporary, and a new blend of music will be born.